The Little Kidnappers is a Canadian Broadcasting Corporation-Disney Channel film that tells the story of orphans Harry and Davy MacKenzie (Leo Wheatley and Charles Miller) and their grandfather, James MacKenzie (Charlton Heston). Based on the 1953 film of the same name, it was shot in several locations throughout Nova Scotia with dockside scenes being filmed aboard the Acadia at the Maritime Museum of the Atlantic in Halifax. [1]
Coralee Elliott Testar's version of the story revolves around letters written by James' son to his wife and children and what Harry and Davy bring with them in a box carved by James for his son. Through these letters, he finds healing from the grief he feels over the death of his son at the hands of Dutch soldiers in the Second Boer War in South Africa and deliverance from the hatred in his heart for those of Dutch ancestry.
The movie's title refers to the discovery and rescue by Harry and Davy of a baby left on a beach and their decision to hide and care for it themselves rather than risk their grandfather's harsh and unmerciful reaction to it.
- Bruce Greenwood as Willem Hooft
- Leo Wheatley as Harry MacKenzie
- Patricia Gage as Mrs. MacKenzie
- Leah Pinsent as Kirsten MacKenzie
- Richard Donat as Hans Hooft
- Dan MacDonald as Tom Cameron
- Amos Crawley as Jan Hooft
- Nicola Lipman as Mrs. MacNeill
- Charlton Heston as James MacKenzie
- Eileen Pedde as Mrs. Hooft
- Deborah Allen as Mrs. Cameron
- Gay Hauser as Mrs. Thompson
- John Dunsworth as Mr. Fraser
External links[]
This page uses content from the English Wikipedia page The Little Kidnappers (1990 film). The list of authors can be seen in the page history. Text from Wikipedia is available under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License; additional terms may apply. |