The Little Mermaid Comic Adaptation, also known as The Little Mermaid: Under the Sea, was the second of 15 comics released for Disney's Cartoon Tales line between 1990 and 1991. It was released in a standalone format around 1991, with a new cover resembling the poster from the movie. It was written by Tom Anderson, with art by Guttenberghus Publishing Service.
The storyline is essentially that of The Little Mermaid except abridged to fit the comic format. Many small details are changed to fit the 48 pages.
- This comic does not feature any of the songs from the movie, although the characters do sing from time to time. Despite this, Under the Sea manages to make it in the form of Sebastian speaking the lyrics.
- The creatures in Ursula's lair are called polyps. This was the first piece of Little Mermaid media (before the leaked script many years later), to refer to them as that. All others would refer to them as "Poor Unfortunate Souls", or (in the case of the TV series) "Sea Worms".
- Vanessa is seen in one panel without her necklace, but still manages to sing with Ariel's voice, implying that she can continue to use Ariel's voice so long as the necklace remains intact.
- A german version of the comic was translated at around the same time as the english release, with a major difference in color palette.
Minor changes from the movie[]
- All songs from the original movie are removed and replaced with new songs.
- In this comic we never know why Sebastian tells King Triton the existence of Ariel's grotto, he just happens to tell him, despite Ariel telling him not to.
- In this adaptation, Sebastian gets to Eric's castle kitchen by being thrown through an open window connecting to the bathroom.
- Chef Louis and Sebastian never get into violent conflict during the kitchen scene, but Louie apparently hates Sebastian regardless as he chases him around the wedding barge during the end of the book.
- The tour of Eric's kingdom is never seen, as the dinner scene immediately cuts to Kiss the Girl.
German Pages[]