The Magic of Disney's Animal Kingdom is a National Geographic documentary series produced for Disney+ that debuted on September 25, 2020. A second season debuted on January 1, 2023.
In the heart of Central Florida, a team of more than 1,000 highly respected animal-care experts, veterinarians, and biologists perform groundbreaking work at Disney’s Animal Kingdom theme park and Epcot SeaBase aquarium (with season 2 expanding to explore the Tri Circle D Ranch at Disney's Fort Wilderness Resort & Campground and the sea turtle conservation programs at Disney's Vero Beach Resort). Now for the first time, National Geographic will offer viewers an all-access pass into the 24/7 world of the incredible animal caretakers running one of the most advanced veterinary facilities in the world.
Season One[]
# | Title | Release Date |
1 | Kenya, the Gutsy Giraffe | September 25, 2020 |
2 | Happy Birthday, Gino! | October 2, 2020 |
3 | Betty and the Beast | October 9, 2020 |
4 | Meet the Mandrills | October 16, 2020 |
5 | Aardvark Love! | October 23, 2020 |
6 | Peri's Prickly Pregnancy | October 30, 2020 |
7 | The Big Egg Switcheroo | November 6, 2020 |
8 | Baby Gorilla Grace | November 13, 2020 |
Season Two[]
# | Title | Release Date |
9 | Giraffic Jam | January 1, 2023 |
10 | Sea You Later Turtles | January 1, 2023 |
11 | Sea Turtle SOS | January 1, 2023 |
12 | Okapi Bundle of Joy | January 1, 2023 |
13 | Gorilla Divemaster | January 1, 2023 |
14 | Flocks of Love | January 1, 2023 |
15 | That's Amore Eel | January 1, 2023 |
16 | Chilled Out Cheetahs | January 1, 2023 |
17 | Giant Leap for Rhinokind | January 1, 2023 |
18 | Gesundheit, Jolo! | January 1, 2023 |