The Making of A Goofy Movie is a behind-the-scenes documentary television special, broadcast on the Disney Channel, that was hosted by Jenna von Oÿ, the voice of Stacey, on the making of A Goofy Movie. It was produced in 1995 by The Wrightwood Group and was produced by Dan Boothe.
Voice Actors[]
- Jim Cummings (voice of Pete)
- Bill Farmer (voice of Goofy)
- Jason Marsden (voice of Max)
- Rob Paulsen (voice of P.J.)
- Tevin Campbell (voice of Powerline)
Production & Animation[]
- Kevin Lima (Director)
- Dan Rounds (Producer)
- Brian Pimental (Head of Story)
- Carole Holliday (Character Designer)
- Nancy Beiman (Supervising Animator)
- Bolhem Bouchiba
Art Directors[]
- Larry Leker
- Wendell Luebbe
- Gary Krisel (President of Disney Television Animation)
- Coralie Cudot (1st Assistant Director/Translator)
Shorts Utilized[]
For the documentary, fifteen shorts were utilized and used in chronological order.
- Mickey's Revue (1932) (colorized)
- Mickey's Service Station (1935) (colorized)
- On Ice (1935)
- Moose Hunters (1937)
- The Art of Skiing (1941)
- How to Play Baseball (1942)
- Victory Vehicles (1943)
- How to Play Golf (1944)
- How to Be a Sailor (1944)
- Foul Hunting (1947)
- Goofy Gymnastics (1949)
- Motor Mania (1953)
- How to Dance (1953)
- Freewayphobia (1965)
- Goofy's Freeway Troubles (1965)
- This documentary was filmed in Mickey's Toontown at Disneyland.
- A photo of first Goofy actor, Pinto Colvig, was used.