The Making of Frozen: A Return to Arendelle is a 2016 American documentary television special that aired on ABC on December 11, 2016. It was produced by ABC News and Lincoln Square Productions, and directed and written by Megan Harding. The special follows the production process of the 2013 animated film Frozen, as well as the preparations for the 2017 featurette Olaf’s Frozen Adventure.
The special features interviews with the cast and crew of the Frozen franchise, behind-the-scenes footage, and sneak peeks of the upcoming projects. It is hosted by Josh Gad, who voices the snowman Olaf in the Frozen films. The special also features appearances by Kristen Bell, Idina Menzel, Jonathan Groff, Santino Fontana, Jennifer Lee, Chris Buck, Peter Del Vecho, Robert Lopez and Kristen Anderson-Lopez, and John Lasseter. It follows the journey of the filmmakers and artists who created Frozen, one of the most successful animated films of all time. The special reveals how they drew inspiration from the Norwegian culture and landscape, how they developed the story and characters, how they composed the songs and music, and how they brought the film to life with stunning animation and visual effects.
- The special revealed the fact that a Broadway musical called Frozen would be coming in spring 2018 at the St. James Theater with the show holding pre-shows at the Buell Theater in Denver in August 2017.
- It also revealed that Olaf's Frozen Adventure would feature four new songs, all original, but none would be produced by the Grammy-winning duo Kristen Anderson-Lopez and Robert Lopez, who were behind the last film's music.
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