"The MiSFIT" is the first segment of the fifty-seventh episode of Big Hero 6: The Series. It premiered on February 1, 2021 alongside "Return To Sycorax", and is the first segment of the eighth episode in the third season.
In order to recruit child prodigy Rishi Patel, Professor Granville enlists Hiro to give him a tour of SFIT.
- Ryan Potter as Hiro Hamada
- Scott Adsit as Baymax
- Jenifer Lewis as Professor Granville
- Lucas Neff as Noodle Burger Boy
- Nicole Sullivan as Hangry Panda
- Cree Summer as Crushroom
- Kari Wahlgren as Hyper-Potamus
- Julian Zane as Rishi Patel
- The title is a pun on misfit and SFIT (San Fransokyo Institute of Technology).
- While not the first episode to not feature Honey Lemon, Go Go Tomago, Wasabi, or Fred, it is the first episode to not feature all four of them collectively. They do appear in a photo however.
- Hiro is no longer the youngest student at SFIT. Now it's Rishi Patel.
- The episode reveals that Hiro is indeed still studying as SFIT.
- The security system robots, Buddy Guardians and Sergeant Suction have cameos.