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Oh what a horrible, horrible human!
―Duchess after being attacked by the Milkman

The Milkman is a minor antagonist from Disney's 1970 animated film, The Aristocats.


The Aristocats[]

The Milkman is first seen driving his truck until he is scared half to death by O'Malley, who manages to jump in front of his truck front window from a tree, screeching, thus forcing him to drive somewhat out of control as O'Malley disappears out of sight and then stop his truck to try and fix it while insulting O'Malley.

As the Milkman is able to start up his truck again, O'Malley, Duchess and her kittens: Berlioz, Toulouse, and Marie manage to sneak into the truck and use it as a ride back home to Paris. Later, after O'Malley offers the kittens some milk for them to drink, the Milkman unfortunately finally notices them on his rearview mirror, thus forcing to stop his truck yet again, only a little more violent this time. As the truck comes to a stop, O'Malley accidentally "flies" towards the Milkman and ends up on his head. The Milkman tries to grab him, but misses as he and the other cats try to escape him. As the cats are running away scared from him, the Milkman chases them away with a wrench and a bucket, which he throws at them but misses while insulting them and then continues driving his way. The Milkman isn't seen throughout the rest of the movie after this.



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The Aristocats logo
The Aristocats (soundtrack/video/books) • Live-action remakeThe Lost Chords: The Aristocats

Cancelled projects: The Aristocats IIThe Aristocats: The Animated Series

Disney Parks
It's a Small WorldPLAY!

Entertainment: Big Band BeatFantasy FestivalOne Man's DreamThe Adventure of Rhythm
Restaurants: Center Street Coffeehouse
Parades: Disney Adventure Friends CavalcadeDisney Harmony in Color! ParadeHappiness is Here ParadeMickey's Storybook ExpressMinnie's Tiara of DreamsTokyo Disneyland Electrical Parade: DreamLights
Fireworks: Mickey's Mix MagicWonderful World of AnimationWondrous Journeys
Spring: Disney Friends Springtime ProcessionalHippity Hoppity Springtime
Summer: Mickey's WaterWorks
Halloween: Re-Villains! Halloween Parade
Christmas: Disney's Santa Village Parade

DuchessThomas O'MalleyToulouseMarieBerliozRoquefortFrou-FrouEdgarMadame Adelaide BonfamilleGeorges HautecourtThe MilkmanNapoleon and LafayetteAbigail and Amelia GabbleUncle WaldoScat CatAlley CatsElvira (deleted)
ParisBonfamille's Residence
The AristocatsScales and ArpeggiosThomas O'Malley CatEverybody Wants to Be a Cat

Deleted: Pourquoi?Le Jazz HotMy Way's The HighwayHow Much You Mean to Me/Count Me SlowlyShe Never Felt Alone
Other: Disney Marie - Walk in ParisEveryone Loves Marie
