"The More, The Burier" is the second segment of the eighth episode of Zombies: The Re-Animated Series. It first premiered on June 29, 2024 alongside "When Bucky Met Barky" on Disney+ before making its Disney Channel premiere on July 20, 2024.
Wyatt teams up with a monster who promises to help him get over his fight with Eliza.
- Kylee Russell as Eliza Zambi
- Pearce Joza as Wyatt Lykensen
- Zed Necrodopolis is only mentioned in this episode. This along with "When Bucky Met Barky", makes it the first episode where Zed, or rather his voice actor Milo Manheim, does not appear.
International premieres[]
- August 7, 2024 (United Kingdom and Ireland; Disney+)
External links[]
- The More, The Burier on the Zombies Wiki