"The More It Snows (Tiddely-Pom)" is a song from the film, Piglet's Big Movie, sung by both Pooh and Piglet. This little song was originally created by A.A. Milne in the book The House at Pooh Corner in the chapter "In Which a House is Built at Pooh Corner for Eeyore." Pooh created the song to sing for Eeyore, thus Pooh sings the main lyrics. Pooh also created the little "tiddely-poms" for the song as well, and he asked Piglet to provide that little side note in the song.
The more it snows (Tiddely pom)
The more it goes (Tiddely pom)
The more it goes on snowing
(Tiddely pom)
And nobody knows (Tiddely pom)
How cold my toes (Tiddely pom)
How cold my toes are growing
(Tiddely pom, tiddely pom, tiddely pom, tiddely pom)
The more it snows (Tiddely pom)
The more it goes (Tiddely pom)
The more it goes on snowing
(Tiddely pom, tiddely pom, tiddely pom, tiddely pom)
And nobody knows (Tiddely pom)
How cold my toes (Tiddely pom)
How cold my toes are growing
(Tiddely pom, tiddely pom, tiddely pom, tiddely pom)