The Orphans are an unruly group of children (always looking like a younger Mickey Mouse) for whom the gang is always trying to help out in the form of shows, picnics, etc. The gang's philanthropy, however, is usually not returned in the same spirit. Morty and Ferdie Fieldmouse were created at the same time as the Orphans and were, in their first appearances, virtually indistinguishable from them.
The Orphans share a strong resemblance to Mickey during his youth, except that they each wear a sailor hat and pajama gown (the color of the gown is usually a shade of blue). However, there is no way of distinguishing the Orphans from one another as they are identical.
The Orphans are mischievous, always causing trouble for Donald Duck by stealing food from him as well as feeding him a bee-stuffed sandwich. However, they are not without a playful side as the Orphans will play a game with Mickey.