"The Pied Piper Power Play" is the fifty-eighth episode of Chip 'n Dale Rescue Rangers. It premiered on April 23, 1990, and is the forty-fifth episode of the second season.
Professor Nimnul hypnotizes all the mice in town (including Monty and Gadget) into running on hamster wheels, so that they can charge a powerful generator for him. Dale's own hypnotic skills are the only thing that can help deal with this crisis.
- Corey Burton as Dale, Zipper
- Peter Cullen as Officer Kirby, Officer Muldoon
- Jim Cummings as Monterey Jack, Professor Norton Nimnul
- Tress MacNeille as Chip, Gadget Hackwrench, Mice, Radio Voices
- This episode is a play on the fairy tale "The Pied Piper."
- Dale's hypnotist costume is a callback from "Seer No Evil".
- When Chip thinks of a plan and shows Dale and Zipper a rubber band, the scene briefly shows the three out in the streets.