"The Power of the Roar" is a song sung by Askari, from the Disney Junior series, The Lion Guard where he instructs Kion to practice controlling the Roar of the Elders in the episode "Triumph of the Roar". An instrumental version of it is also heard during the credits of the third season - though a vocal version can be heard in the last three episodes of the third season.
Here you stand on the edge of earth and sky
You can command them both, if you try
Look within, you may find even more
As you learn the power of the Roar
The power of the Roar
The power of the Roar
It dwells inside you
And all around you
In ways you've never seen before
The power of the Roar
The power of the Roar
Once you think you've found it all
You'll find there's still much more
Free yourself from anger and from fear
The control that you seek will be clear
Though the Roar goes far beyond wind and sound
It can impact everything all around
The power of the Roar
The power of the Roar
It dwells inside you
And all around you
In ways you've never seen before
The power of the Roar
The power of the Roar
Once you think you've found it all
You'll find there's still much more
The power of the Roar
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