"The Revenge of the Return of the Brainteasers, Too!" is the eighty-first episode of Darkwing Duck, and the sixteenth episode to air on ABC. It premiered on September 26, 1992, and is the third episode of the second season.
Honker Muddlefoot develops an inferiority complex. Meanwhile on the planet Fezanchane (SP?) Flarg and his two stooges Barada and Nikto are rotting in prison for the last time they tried to take over Earth and they are sprung out by Flarg's girlfriend Talaya. They go back to Earth to get revenge on Honker for foiling their plans the last time they tried to take over. When they got there Flarg took over Binkie's body, Barada took over Honker's body, Nikto took over Launchpad's body, and Talaya took over Darkwing's body. Gosalyn eventually managed to free Honker and they later manage to rescue Darkwing, Launchpad, and Binkie. When King Klaatu arrives to pick up the Evil Brain Sucking Hats Honker learns that he is well known on Fezanchane than he is on earth when one of the police officers asks him for his autograph which is for his sister.
Voice Cast[]
- Christine Cavanaugh - Gosalyn
- Jim Cummings - Darkwing Duck/Drake Mallard, Herb Muddlefoot, Barada, Hat Cop #2
- Richard Karron - Nikto, Gag Store Owner
- Terry McGovern - Launchpad, Baseball Announcer, Hat TV Anouncer, Hat Cop #1
- Rob Paulsen - Flarg, Klaatu II
- Hal Rayle - Witch Doctor, Elderly Darkwing Fan, Short Darkwing Fan
- Susan Tolsky - Binkie Muddlefoot, Taleya
- Final appearance of the Brainteasers.
- Flarg and Barada were still able to talk without a host, despite that in Battle of the Brainteasers Honker had to wear King Klaatu to get him to talk in his body.