The Roots of Goofy is a Disney Channel television special that originally aired on July 5, 1984. Hosted by Gary Owens, this program looks at the ancestral background of Goofy. It is an updated version of the Disneyland episode The Adventure Story. It was later released internationally on home video.
The title song was composed by Galen Brandt.
- Gary Owens - Host
Featured cartoons[]
- Frank Duck Brings 'em Back Alive
- The Olympic Champ
- Goofy Gymnastics
- The Whalers
- Boat Builders
- Tugboat Mickey
- A Knight for a Day
- Victory Vehicles
- Goofy's Glider
- Californy 'er Bust
- Two Gun Goofy
- Baggage Buster
- Crazy with the Heat
- Polar Trappers
- African Diary
- The Big Wash
- For Whom the Bulls Toil