"The Savior" is the first episode of the sixth season of ABC's Once Upon a Time and the one hundred and twelfth episode of the series overall. It premiered on September 25, 2016 and was written by show creators Edward Kitsis and Adam Horowitz and directed by Eagle Egilsson.
In the season premiere episode, "The Savior", as our heroes set out to stop Hyde, Emma develops a mysterious side effect, and Storybrooke becomes a haven for refugees from the Land of Untold Stories. Meanwhile, Regina and Zelena embrace their newfound sisterhood by becoming roommates, while Rumple tries to free Belle from the sleeping Curse with the help of a stranger. In flashback, Jafar confronts an afflicted Aladdin in Agrabah, and a secret about the Savior is revealed.
Opening sequence[]
Jafar rides the magic carpet around the forest.
In the Character's Past[]
"Many years ago", Jafar chases a man across a desert towards Aladdin's home, killing the man just after Aladdin refuses to aid him. Jafar taunts Aladdin for failing as a savior, and over the fact that saviors never "live happily ever after." Aladdin's hand spasms uncontrollably.
In Storybrooke[]
As Emma and Hook try to spend a romantic time together, they hear a rumbling sound from above and is joined by Regina, Henry, David, and Snow to find a blimp hovering around the town. They confront Hyde, who as the town's new owner, has bought the residents from the land of Untold Stories with him. Both Emma and Regina use magic to stop him, but fails. When they see the blimp crashes into the forest, they search for survivors but find no one (although Snow and David find the displaced arrivals later on), but Jekyll tells the residents that they can use the baton that powered the blimp to create a device to stop Hyde. As they go through the wreckage, Emma feels her hand move strangely. Later on, the residents create a weapon that successfully takes care of Hyde and he is placed in jail, when Emma suddenly experiences a strange vision that causes her hand to shake again, and Hyde becomes aware of this.
After receiving advice from Archie, Emma decides to confront Hyde about the vision, and he tells her to follow a red bird, and Emma takes the advice after she sees one, and leads Emma to The Oracle, a young girl who gives Emma a vision of her future as The Savior, which reveals a confrontation with a unknown attacker who plans to kill Emma as she was defending her family. When Emma returns to confront Hyde about this, he explains that the person she'll face in the future will be her ending but given his previous encounters with those that came before her, he tells Emma that the enemy is among the residents, so Emma decides for her family's sake to keep this to herself.
Meanwhile, Regina and Zelena, despite their renewed bonding as sisters, are not seeing things eye to eye as they argue over the loss of Robin Hood and Regina's decision to split from her evil half (which also weakened her powers), and Zelena is already looking at moving out and find a new place for her and Robin. After a talk with Snow and Henry, Regina is ready to make amends and start a new chapter in her life; Unfortunately, when Zelena returned to her place, The Evil Queen is there waiting to offer Zelena a drink and to bond together.
In The Land of Untold Stories[]
Following Hyde's instructions, Gold enters the Temple of Morpheus and uses magical sand to enter Belle's dream. In the dream, Morpheus acts as Gold's guide, giving him an hour to free Belle from the sleeping curse. Belle is reliving her experiences as Rumplestiltskin's servant, so he tries to recreate the circumstances under which they first fell in love. He succeeds, culminating in a kiss, but this causes her memories to return and she pulls back. She refuses to repeat the pain she experienced as a result of their relationship. "Morpheus" then reveals himself to actually be Gold and Belle's unborn child; satisfied that Belle will not resume her relationship with Gold, he frees his mother from the sleeping curse with a kiss on the forehead. Belle wakes up and agrees to return to Storybrooke through Gold's portal, but asserts that she will live apart from Gold.
Guest Starring[]
External links[]