"The Secret Life of Mr. Kipling" is the twenty-sixth episode of Season One of the sitcom Jessie. It aired on September 7, 2012.
Mr. Kipling has been acting strange for some time. He is mean to Ravi and has been having weird food cravings. It is revealed that Mr. Kipling is a female lizard guarding her twelve babies and this startles the entire Ross family. Meanwhile, Zuri is upset when she announces that Millie the Mermaid has died (she got stabbed by a swordfish and Zuri thinks it was murder). The mailman accidentally ships Mr. Kipling's eggs to a restaurant. Jessie, Ravi, and Luke pretend to be waiters and try to get them back. At the restaurant, the eggs hatch and twelve little lizards are born. The episode ends with the entire family, including a tearful Bertram, attending Millie the Mermaid's funeral.