The Shaggy Dog is a comedy television movie released in 1994 for ABC's Saturday night Disney Family Movies series. It is the first remake of the original film in 1959.
Preteen Moochie Daniels just wants a dog, but his dad, Ron, is allergic to canines, like Bundles, the shabby sheep dog of neighbor Charlie Mulvihill, who secretly trained his pet to help him steal jewels. Moochie's big brother, Wilby, is smart, shy, and a promising inventor, but hopelessly clumsy when it comes to girls, and is jealous of his slick mate Trey who has no problems. Desperate Wilby resorts to a spell from the ring of Lucrezia Borgia (he accidentally got from his dad's museum of curiosities), which magically turns him into Bundles and back at uncontrollable times. This is how he also knows that the diamond on loan in the museum is Charlie's next target, but who would believe his story?