The Skeleton King is the main antagonist of the Jetix original series "Super Robot Monkey Team Hyperforce Go!" His servants include the Formless.
The Skeleton King is failure intolerant and believes that no other villain is better than himself or deserves praise.
The Skeleton King was originally the kind and humble alchemist who lived in the region that will be named in The zone of Wasted Years. He was also a friend of Captain Shuggazoom, who requested him to make a substitute heroic force, which will later be known as the Hyperforce. At one stage, the Alchemist were studying Netherworld, which contained a group of evil beings termed by the Verron Mystics as the "Dark Ones". Captain Shuggazoom was at first worried that these evil creatures would breach the barrier the Alchemist created, but he assured him that they are all safe. Unfortunately when Captain Shuggazoom left, Mandarin was fiddling with the control, releasing two of the creatures into the world: one; a demon-like being who subdued the Alchemist, and another; a worm like being that would eventually become the Dark One Worm.
As a result, the Alchemist found himself slowly losing his humanity due to the influence of the Dark One, so to protect the universe from what he would become, he created the Monkey Team to defend the universe after he fell to darkness and became the Skeleton King. Once he had finished creating them, he placed them in suspended animation, while also erasing their memories, so they would not know of his fall to evil. Once he had finished all his preparations, his final video journal entry had him announce "Now the Dark Ones claim my soul!" as he finally transformed into the Skeleton King.
From there, his main mission was to awaken the Dark One Worm buried beneath the surface of Shuggazoom. To do that, he had the Elevator Monster transport random citizens of Shuggazoom to the Pit of Doom while sending Formless warriors into the city. When Chiro figures out the plan and rescues all the civilians, along with defeating the Elevator Monster, the Pit had already been dug deep enough to satisfy the Skeleton King's plans. It was only after Antauri went to see Master Zan and discovered that the Power Primate had been destroyed, if not corrupted, that Skeleton King launched his master plan and had the Citadel of Bone plant itself in the Pit of Doom, acting as a conduit to break the Dark One Worm's egg and free it from the planet's core. Though the Hyperforce tries to stop it, it takes the sacrifice of Antauri to seal the egg back up, but not before the Skeleton King's head became a part of the Dark One Worm, and the Worm's head was also amputated from its body, only to regenerate once a safe distance from Shuggazoom, where the Dark One Worm could then begin corrupting planets in its wake and attempt to conquer the universe at large before returning to Shuggazoom. The Hyperforce are forced to go after it, and after some effort, destroy the Dark One Worm before it could corrupt the Earth as its next target, but the Skeleton King's head had been severed from the Worm beforehand, and is recovered by Mandarin. It later lands in the hands of Ma and Pa Sheenko, who are the heads of a Skeleton King cult that worship him, where the original head shatters to reveal a new one that is taken by Valeena and Mandarin as part of a plot to revive the Skeleton King in a new, more powerful body. To that end, they recover the Alchemist's robe he left behind when he fell to evil, critically wounding Captain Shuggazoom in the process, leaving him in the Super Robot's med bay for the foreseeable future to recover, then went after the remaining artifacts, gaining the temporary support of SPRX after he was corrupted and turned evil by the Fire of Hate. In the end, despite SPRX being purged and returned to normal after Nova confessed her love for him, buying time for Gibson, Otto, Antauri, and Chiro to purge the evil out of SPRX, Valeena acquires what she needs and revives the Skeleton King, granting him a new body and reviving him at long last. However, Valeena's reward for reviving her master is being vaporized by him, before he raises his new palace and prepares to unleash his army of the undead and Formless troops against the Hyperforce and their allies in the ultimate war of the living verses the dead.
- Skeleton King's voice actor, Mark Hamill, is known for playing Luke Skywalker in Star Wars and voicing The Joker in several Batman animated series.
- His Japanese voice actor, Akio Ōtsuka, is best known for doing Ansem and Master Xehanort from the Kingdom Hearts series. He is also the voice of Snake from Metal Gear, Marshall D. Teach/Blackbeard from One Piece, and All for One from My Hero Academia.
- Though it does not show, Skeleton King still cares for the Monkey Team (his former self, the Alchemist's feelings for them never left after his soul was taken). His relationship with the original Mandarin is tough and he doesn't seem to care about him anymore.
- His voice tone was used in Batman the Brave and the Bold as the Spectre in "Chill of the Night!".
- He has a room full of Chiro's toys, indicating that he's obessed with destroying Chiro or that he could be Chiro's father.