The Spirit of Adventure is a song from the 2009 Disney•Pixar animated feature film, Up, written by Michael Giacchino and performed by Craig Copeland. It is named after Charles Muntz's airship, and it is heard in the film's end credits (specifically during the end of the credits).
Adventure is out there, it's heading our way
So grab your scarf and goggles, let's fly!
I've mapped out our journey, we're up here to stay
A sunset is our home, a moonbeam we will own
My Spirit of Adventure is you!
Freaks of nature span a globe, that's too big to deny
With canine guards, we'll travel there and spit into their eye
Bang, bang! Once the smoke has cleared
After all the crowds have cheered
We'll make it a joint venture, before we're in our dentures
My Spirit of Adventure is you!
(instrumental break)
Adventure is out there, let's crack some champagne
I've hung a hundred heads on my wall!
To say that I've traveled is far too mundane
Let's grab our aero-fare, the high-brows will be there
The Spirit of Adventure is something to indenture
My Spirit of Adventure is you!
Adventure is out there, it's heading our way
So grab your scarf and goggles, let's fly!
I've mapped out our journey, we're up here to stay
A sunset is our home, a moonbeam we will own
My Spirit of Adventure is you!
Adventure is out there, it's my Holy Grail
So cannibals and tigers beware!
I've made my life's journey to blaze every trail
I've got my aero-fare, the high-brows will be there
My Spirit of Adventure is you!
Freaks of nature span a globe, that's too big to deny
With canine guards, we'll travel there and spit into their eye
I can't wait another day
For my life to waste away
We'll make it a joint venture, before we're in our dentures
My Spirit of Adventure is you!
(instrumental break)
Gargantuan monstrosities larger than a whale
Come with me and we will snatch that giant monkey's tail
Bang, bang! Once the smoke has cleared
After all the crowds have cheered
Another risky venture, it sure would be the clincher!
My Spirit of Adventure is you!
Adventure is out there, let's crack some champagne
I've hung a hundred heads on my wall!
To say that I've traveled is far too mundane
Let's grab our aero-fare, a new deal will be there
The Spirit of Adventure is something to indenture
My Spirit of Adventure is you!
- In the foreign-language versions of Up, the song is omitted and only the instrumental version of it is heard during the credits.