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Frenchy Stakas, later known as the Tourorist, is a one-time villain from Teamo Supremo. She is introduced through a cameo in "The Return of Technor!" and then appears as the antagonist in its partner episode, "A Monumental Crisis!"

Role in the episode[]

In "A Monumental Crisis!", Teamo's class is on a field trip conducted by Stakas that they greatly dislike. This lack of respect gets her so mad that she makes a plan to steal a lot of historical monuments and take it to her lair. She manages to steal 3 cactus, hands, an igloo, and the Lobster of Liberty, despite Teamo's attempts to stop her and her henchmen, the Dousens. Eventually, she is caught and forced to surrender.

v - e - d
Teamo Supremo Logo
Teamo Supremo
Heroes: Captain CrandallRope GirlSkate Lad

Allies: Crandall's momJeanGovernor KevinThe ChiefMr. PaulsonSamanthaMrs. WoolingantzAction the DogThe Silver ShieldThe Dark TalonMrs. CorrioBrenda's MomBarclaeTeamo's DadsPatienceMauricio the ComedianTiffany JavelinsCaptain ExcellentB. Barry BerrylumViva VoomOllie Jimson
Villains: Baron BlitzTechnorThe Birthday BanditMr. LargeHelius InflatoDehydroLaser PirateDr. DroidChopper DaddyScooter LadCheapskateThe Phony DentistThe GauntletHypnotheriaMr. VagueElectronicaThe Sinister StylistThe TouroristDJ DespicableLo-FiWill 2 WynnDr. PogoLord DruidThe Mischievous ManagerHelgaSinister ShillelaghVladimir Trettiak

Season One: "In the Beginning... / Duly Deputized Super Agents!" • "And Then There Were Two! / Who Invited the Birthday Bandit?" • "My Sister the Spy! / The Sinister Substitute!" • "Grounded! / The Baron and the Baby Brother!" • "The Chief's New Groove! / Capitol Offense!" • "Danger: Dirigibles! / Enter the Cheapskate!" • "The Sinister Stylist! / Running the Gauntlet!" • "Appetite for... Dessert! / It's Crandall's Birthday - Bandit!" • "Sounds of the Songstress! / Calling Captain Excellent!" • "Attack of the Stuffed Stuff! / Reservoir Frogs!" • "Pogo Panic! / Enter Dr. 'Droid!" • "Mr. Vague Does Something... / The Big Put Down!" • "The Return of Technor! / A Monumental Crisis!"

Season Two: "You Better Start Calling Me Chief! / When Elements Unite!" • "Haunted House on Horror Hill! / Appointment with the Dentist!" • "Getaway Car-Go! / Enter Lord Druid!" • "Electronica's Game! / Angler's Angle" • "Thog the Caveman Returns! / Mr. Large's Slippery Scheme!" • "Out of the Past! / Sinister Shillelagh!" • "Parents from Another Planet! / Birthday Bash!" • "The Sinister Sloppy Joe! / Sun, Surf, Sand... and Skull?" • "The Big Image Problem! / Not on My Cinco de Mayo!" • "Things That Go Bump in the Night! / Will of the People!" • "Happy Holidays, Mr. Gruff! / The Grandfather Show" • "Electronica's Game 2! / Tossing the Gauntlet!" • "Doin' the Supremo! / Beware of the Bungler!" • "Going it Alone! / Out to Dry!" • "Play it Again, Songstress!" • "Brenda's Birthday Bandit! / Raising the State!" • "Welcome to the Magna Mall! / The Baron's Blitz!" • "Pyrite and Pirates! / The Chief of Cheer!" • "Cloaked Paulson, Mr. Skull! / 3, 2, 1... Teamo!"
Season Three: "Something Cheesy Comes This Way! / Cartoons of Doom!" • "State of Chaos! / Science Friction!" • "Will You Be My Valentine Bandit? / Uncontrollable Goopy Substance!" • "The Mark of Comrade Z!" • "Teamo Rocks! / The Wrath of Scooter Lad!" • "Word Search! / Micro Supremo!" • "The Governor's Analyst! / The Gauntlet's New Gloves!"
