"The Traveling Baboon Show" is a song sung by Uroho featured in the episode of the same name, "The Traveling Baboon Show", as the two other baboons go and steal food from the Pridelands.
You want to see amazing
You wanna see some sights
Well, stay right here
Don't go nowhere
Our show is filled
With delight
Prepare yourself for magic
Prepare yourself for thrills
But don't rely on just your eyes
You might end up with some chills
We're the Traveling Baboon Show
Prepare for what you don't know
Things may seem clear, then they disappear
And you wonder, Where did we go?
We're the Traveling
Baboon Show
Some call it entertainment
Some call it crazy fun
We'll make you laugh, so don't hold back
'Cause then we'll keep moving on
We're the Traveling Baboon Show
Prepare for what you don't know
Things may seem clear, then they disappear
And you wonder, where did we go?
We're the Traveling
Baboon Show
Mystery is all around us
Magic happens everywhere
So relax and enjoy this
We're gonna leave you without a care
We're the Traveling Baboon Show
Prepare for what you don't know
Things may seem clear, then they disappear
And you wonder, where did we go?
We're the Traveling Baboon Show
Prepare for what you don't know
Things may seem clear, then they disappear
And you wonder, where did we go?
We're the Traveling, Traveling, Traveling, Traveling
Baboon Show
Baboon Show!