"The Tree of Life" is a song in the series, The Lion Guard. It is featured in "The Harmattan", and is sung by Makucha who devises a plan to his fellow leopards Fahari and Jiona to get to the Tree of Life for the two to eat the rare animals needing safety.
There's a place I've head of
But never thought was real
Where animals seek safety
And hurt ones go to heal
But now it's out there
This place is calling me
For, oh so many reasons
I just can't wait to see
The Tree of Life
The Tree of Life
The Tree of Life
The Tree of Life
The rare and exotic
The weak and the lame
No need for hunting
Instead it's a game
A menu so varied
Just waiting for us
At the Tree
At the Tree of Life
We just need some guidance
To help us find the way
To those fantastic morsels
We'll dine on everyday
I just can't wait to taste them
Delicious, rare delights
At least beyond our dreaming
Is where I set my sights
The Tree of Life
The Tree of Life
The Tree of Life
The Tree of Life
The rare and exotic
The weak and the lame
No need for hunting
Instead it's a game
A menu so varied
Just waiting for us
At the Tree
At the Tree...
The Tree of Life
The Tree of Life
The Tree of Life
The Tree of Life
The rare and exotic
The weak and the lame
No need for hunting
Instead it's a game
A menu so varied
Just waiting for us
At the Tree
At the Tree
At the Tree
At the Tree of Life
- Many non-African animals appear during the musical number in Makucha's imagination to get to the Tree of Life:
- Tapirs
- Peacocks
- Penguins
- Mountain goats
- Gentle lemurs
- Red pandas
- Penguins
- Gibbons
- This is the only time Makucha had his own song