"The Tummy Song" (also known as "A Pooh Bear Takes Care of His Tummy") is a song featured in the film, Winnie the Pooh. The song is heard at the very beginning of the film, where Pooh finds himself all out of honey and goes out to get some from his friends. The song is sung by Winnie the Pooh and his rumbling tummy.
There was originally an extended version of the song, which was cut down in half because of "pacing issues". The movie was only an hour long because Disney cut like fifteen minutes off it. However, the unfinished scene remains available.
A Pooh Bear takes care of his tummy
He fills it with things that are sweet
(Brr, rr, rr!)
A Pooh Bear takes care of his tummy
By never forgetting to eat
(Brr! Brr! Brr! Brr! Brr! Brr!)
When it is growly and glummy
The search for the honey is on
(Brr! Brr! Brr! Brr!)
The Pooh has a knack, for finding a snack
Unless all the honey is...uh gone?
(Brr Ba Ba! Brr Ba Ba! Brr Ba Ba! Brr Ba Ba!)
A Pooh Bear takes care of his tummy
No need for my tummy to fret
A Pooh Bear takes care of his tummy
He knows what his tummy must get
Don't worry my round little chummy
I'm hearing your ravenous plea
When there is no honey the Pooh takes the tummy wherever the honey will be
My friends are out there with honey to spare
And they will take care of my tummy, and me!
(Brr, rr, rr, rr, rr, rr, rr!)
A Pooh Bear takes care of his tummy
He fills it with things that are sweet
(Brr, rr, rr!)
A Pooh Bear takes care of his tummy
By never forgetting to eat
(Brr, rr, rr!)
He searches for things that are yummy
In every cupboard and shelf
(Brr, rr, rr!)
He takes most biggest care, cause the tummy down there
Is the most biggest part of himself
(Brr, rr, rr! Pop!)
A Pooh Bear takes care of his tummy
Don't worry, he always comes through
(Brr, rr, rr!)
The Pooh Bear takes care of his tummy
Cause the tummy takes care of the Pooh
(Brr! Brr! Brr! Brr! Brr! Brr!)
When it is growly and glummy
The search for the honey is on
(Brr! Brr! Brr! Brr!)
The Pooh has a knack, for finding a snack
Unless all the honey is...uh gone?
(Brr Ba Ba! Brr Ba Ba! Brr Ba Ba! Brr Ba Ba!)
A Pooh Bear takes care of his tummy
No need for my tummy to fret
A Pooh Bear takes care of his tummy
He knows what his tummy must get
Don't worry my round little chummy
I'm hearing your ravenous plea
When there is no honey the Pooh takes the tummy wherever the honey will be
My friends are out there with honey to spare
And they will take care of my tummy, and me!
(Brr, rr, rr, rr, rr, rr, rr!)