"There's Snow Place Like Home " is the second half of the seventh episode of Stanley.
Stanley wants to go outside to play with the twins in the snow, but he doesn’t want to wear his snowsuit. After nearly freezing, Stanley learns about polar bears and the importance of keeping warm.
- Khylan Jones as Marci and Mimi
- Rene Mujica as Harry
- Ari Myers as Stanley's mom
- Charles Shaughnessy as Dennis
- Jessica D. Stone as Stanley
- Hynden Walch as Elsie
Featured Animals[]
- Polar bears
- Dennis: What—what's that noise? Alarm clock? No. Doorbell? No.
- Moral: Winter clothes may seem bulky, but they’re meant to keep you warm in the cold.
- This is the first episode of the series in which the characters look up a certain animal using a computer.
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