Tick Tock Tale is an animated short film created in 2010. It was originally intended to be released with Tangled, but was instead released in 2015 on the Walt Disney Animation Studios Short Films Collection Blu-ray and DVD.
In a London clock shop, the owner finishes business up for the day. Just outside his shop, a man checks his pocket watch to see if it runs at the same time as the clocks in the shop before leaving. Not noticing this man, the owner turns off the lights and locks the door. The moment the owner leaves, the clocks reveal themselves to be alive, and they begin to turn their attention to a certain little clock on a shelf where it begins to ring its bells five minutes behind the others. This particular clock has a unique jingle than the others and features a little man whose pants drop to reveal his underwear. Because of this feature and the fact that it's a few minutes behind the others, the little clock is relentlessly bullied and ridiculed by the others. Wanting to put a stop to this, the little clock attempts to do whatever it can to get rid of the little figurine, but to no avail.
Suddenly, the man from earlier arrives, forcing the clocks to stay still. Right on cue, the clocks strike midnight, and the loud noises allows the man, revealed to be a thief, to break a window on the door to unlock it without suspicion. Unfortunately for the clocks, they are forced to stay still as the thief proceeds to steal a bagful of them. Just before exiting, the thief spots a policeman nearby and waits for him to walk far enough to not get noticed. The little clock, wanting to save the stolen clocks, successfully stops the door from closing all the way by jamming the little man into the door jamb. Upon exiting the store, the little clock stands triumphantly - only for its bells to start ringing. Hearing the noise, the thief proceeds to stomp on the little clock, much to the horror of the stolen clocks. Fortunately, the sound of the little clock being stomped on was loud enough to catch the attention of the policeman, who begins to chase after the fleeing thief.
The next day, the store owner is informed by the policeman of the attempted theft. After picking up the destroyed remains of the little clock, the owner proceeds to throw it in his wastebasket. Suddenly, just as the owner sits in his office, he hears a clatter in the other room; he discovers that the little clock has been tossed onto a counter (courtesy of the other clocks) right next to a sign that reads "No repair is too small." Wanting to fulfill his store's policy, the owner spends his day fixing up the little clock into becoming fully operational. After placing the little clock on the shelf, the owner closes his shop for the day. At that moment, one of the clocks on the shelf, who was one of the little clock's harassers, fixes its shelf-mate's time so that it can ring on cue with the others, who now see the little clock as a hero.
Voice cast[]
- Dean Wellins as Thief/Police Officer