Titan is a planet appearing in Marvel Comics and the Marvel Cinematic Universe. It is the homeworld of Titan species and the birth place of the supervillain Thanos and the adopted home of his adoptive brother Starfox.
Titan is ancient exoplanet located in a galaxy outside of the Milky Way, given life by a K-Class Orange Dwarf Star. Several million years ago, the planet started to develop intelligent life in the form of the Titans, having named themselves after their homeworld. The Titans a tall humanoid species would incredible physical strength and lifespans lasting several millennia. At its height, Titan was a lush green and blue world with its native species buildings an advanced and prosperous utopia-like society. The Titans, however, were also a somewhat prejudicial race as seen by their treatment of Thanos, the son of A’lars who was one of the planets political leaders. Thanos was born with physical deformities that caused him to be rejected by the rest of his race as an outcast and suffering severe persecution. Sometime during Thanos’s childhood, Titan was visited by Eros, a member of the Eternals, a synthetic race of beings created by the Celestials. After his arrival, Eros was adopted by A’lars, making him Thanos’s adoptive brother. Sometime later, however, Eros rebelled against his creators and left Titan which was forbidden under Titan law.
Sometime after this, Titan began suffering from a crisis of overpopulation which quickly developed into an apocalyptic threat towards the planet. As the Titans’ population grew, the planet’s resources were quickly being used up to point to where they were almost completely exhausted. Thanos, who had become a scientist by this point despite his persecution, then appealed to his people that the best way to prevent the destruction of their world was by eliminating half of their race so that the other half would have enough resources to survive. Thanos’s solution was immediately rejected and as punishment he was exiled from Titan. His prediction, however, came true, with the planet’s resources being completely depleted by the growing population, leading to large scale pollution and deforestation, jeopardizing the planet’s atmosphere while also causing civil war to break out over the remaining resources that were left. This cataclysm left the planet virtually uninhabitable, with its once lush landscape being turned to a barren wasteland with the wreckage of the Titan’s vast civilization littering the landscape. This also left the planet eight degrees off its axis causing the gravitational field to spiral out of control.
The destruction of Titan killed off all life that was on it at the time, including all of the Titans. This left Thanos, due to his exile, as the sole survivor of his race. Heartbroken over the extinction of his race, Thanos came to believe that other planets would suffer the same fate as Titan, with their expanding populations using up all of their resources, resulting in the end of all life in the universe. To solve this, Thanos used his uncanny skills to become an intergalactic warlord, invading various planets and wiping out half of their intelligent races, in order to save them from the fate of his own world.
Avengers: Endgame[]
Five years following Infinity War, Spider-Man, Doctor Strange, and and the dead Guardians are resurrected on Titan following Hulk with the Infinity Gauntlet to bring back all the lives Thanos had killed with the snap. When heroes on Titan are called forth by the Masters of the Mystic Arts aid the Avengers against the 2014 version of Thanos and his army at the Battle of Earth, Titan can be seen through the portal they arrive through.