"To Be King" (also known as "Mighty King of the Wild") is a deleted song from The Lion King. It is sung by Mufasa, Zazu, and various animals from the Pride Lands. As evident by the video below, it was meant to be sung while Mufasa is teaching Simba about the ways of their environment.
To be king is a huge obligation
It's not just a license for fun
And since you're the next generation
And even more: Since you're my son
I owe you a dad's explanation
That a lifetime of duties begun
But don't get depressed
You get ranked with the best
I'll tell you how, one to one!
To be king is a daunting position
But who gives a hoot if you're hot?
He must uphold both the law and tradition
But the perks make up for a lot!
In short, he's a master tactician
Who must give every subject a shot
From termite to tusk-ah
From dawn until dusk-ah
Mufasa and Zazu:
A king gives it all that he's got!
King and husko, master commando
Ruler of all us all day!
Up in the mountains
Down in the flat lands
My, what a beautiful day!
King, protector, protects us till his duty reconciles!
Nice to all ages
Feasts for all seasons!
Mighty king!
Mighty king!
Mighty king, of the wild!
- This song was deleted because it did not suit James Earl Jones' singing voice.