"Toboggan of Love" is a romance song performed in the Milo Murphy's Law episode, "Love Toboggan". The song is sung by Milo, when Sara and Neal accidentally have a trip on the toboggan along with the trio.
Are not where you typically look for romance.
'Cause there's no way to steer
So you might hit a deer
Or get snow in your pants.
Oh, but it's thrilling to be
In a moving death trap like this, you can see.
Then when push comes to shove
This could be a toboggan of love.
(Toboggan of love)
(Toboggan of love)
- This song is a parody of a Phineas and Ferb song, "Boat of Romance". This song is also sung by "Weird Al" Yankovic, the voice actor of Milo Murphy, who is well known for parodying songs.