The Togruta is a carnivorous humanoid species from the planet Shili in the Star Wars franchise.
Notable Togrutas include Shaak Ti and Ahsoka Tano, both of whom served the Jedi Order.
Physical appearance[]
Togrutas' head-tails are much similar to the Twi'leks. The Togrutas are distinguished by montrals with their horn-like projections on top of their heads.
Powers and Abilities[]
- Extrasensory Perception: Togrutas have an increased spatial awareness because of their head-tail organs called hollow montrals, which allow to sense the objects that move around them.
Notable Togrutas[]
- Shaak Ti
- Ahsoka Tano
- Ashla
- B'asia
- Carshotta
- Clatriffe
- Jari
- Kirames Kaj
- Kup'bree'ak
- Jordan Karls
- Auxi Kray Korbin
- Neelo
- Niriian
- Roshti
- Selda
- Tuktee
External Links[]
- Togruta on Wookieepedia
- Togruta on (backup link on
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