The Toon Revolver is an animated firearm used by Eddie Valiant in the film Who Framed Roger Rabbit. The gun, a Smith&Wesson 625JM Model, was given to Eddie as a present from Yosemite Sam for working on his case, getting him out of "the hoosegow" (prison). After Teddy's death, Eddie quit working for Toons, but still held onto it in the event it might be needed.
Later, Eddie pursues Jessica Rabbit toward Toontown thinking she just killed R.K. Maroon. Tossing his gun aside, he takes out the Toon revolver on the realization that he has better shot at a favorable result with a Toon weapon. The ammunition, Toon Bullets, resemble stereotypical old-western archetypes: a portly cowboy smoking a cigar, a Civil War soldier, a cavalryman, a Native American, a mustachioed cowboy, and a masked bandit.
He uses the gun to destroy the whisky bottle later in Toontown he shoots at Judge Doom after Jessica told him he was the one who killed Maroon, he shot at Doom three times the 3 Bullets miss and go the wrong way Eddie calls them dum-dums and tosses the gun it's not seen for the rest of the film.