Treasure of Matecumbe is a Walt Disney Productions family adventure film released in 1976, directed by Vincent McEveety. It was based on the novel by Robert Lewis Taylor. The plot involves a boy and his companion who run away from home to hunt for treasure. The filming locations were in Danville, Kentucky and Walt Disney Golden Oak Ranch in California. The final scene at a beached shipwreck was filmed at Walt Disney World's Discovery Island. It was released on Video in 1986.
In post-Civil War Kentucky, young David Burnie (Johnny Doran) becomes the unexpected heir to the family secret: a map leading to buried treasure on the Florida isle of Matecumbe. The youth, joined by four fellow adventurers (Robert Foxworth, Joan Hackett, Peter Ustinov, Billy Attmore), begins his search for the treasure despite deadly interference by his late father's archenemy (Vic Morrow). The angry threat of a hurricane and the presence of hostile Indians set the mood for the frantic trek to the swampy site -- a destination that could provide untold wealth for the searchers ... or for their evil pursuers!
- Robert Foxworth as Jim
- Joan Hackett as Auriette
- Peter Ustinov as Dr. Snodgrass
- Vic Morrow as Spangler
- Johnny Doran as Davie
- Billy 'Pop' Atmore as Thad
- Jane Wyatt as Aunt Effie
- Virginia Vincent as Aunt Lou
- Robert DoQui as Ben
- Don Knight as Skaggs
- Mills Watson as Catrell
- Dub Taylor as Sheriff Forbes
- Valentin de Vargas as Charlie
- Dick Van Patten as The Gambler
- George Lindsey as Coahoma Sheriff
Production Credits[]
- Directors: Vincent McEveety
- Writers: Don Tait, Robert Lewis Taylor
- Release: July 1, 1976
- DVD Release Date: August 26, 2008
- Run Time: 117 minutes
- A copyright renewal for the film was registered on October 5, 2004.[1] The copyright to the story it is based on was also renewed in the U.S.[2]
- Scenes in the last act of this film were filmed along the beach and swamp areas of Bay Lake on the Walt Disney World property in Florida. The dock, which flanks the former Discovery/Treasure Island, still exists.