The Tronsplitter is a device from the Darkwing Duck franchise created by Megavolt.
The Tronsplitter first appeared in the episode "Negaduck". Megavolt first used it to rob a vault, but was disappointed to find ball bearings in the bags. Darkwing emerged from one of the bags. Megavolt tried to escape from the window, forgetting he was on the 90th floor. Megavolt used his ray gun to create a wrecking ball from the ball bearings. But Darkwing dodged the ball, and it hit Megavolt instead, knocking him out of the window. As Megavolt plummeted towards the ground, the Tronsplitter zapped Darkwing, causing him to split into the titular villain (not to be confused with the evil Darkwing from the Negaverse) and Posiduck.
The Tronsplitter made a reappearance in the comic story "Crisis on Infinite Darkwings". After Paddywhack merges himself with Negaduck (the one from the Negaverse, that is), Darkwing recalls the incident with "the original Negaduck" and borrows the Tronsplitter from Megavolt. It is used to split Negaduck and Paddywhack back apart, but Paddywhack then starts repeatedly using it to split Negaduck further and further until he is eventually turned into particles.
- The Tronsplitter makes a brief appearance in the DuckTales reboot episode "Let's Get Dangerous!" It can be seen stored in a closet in Darkwing's tower.