"Trust No One" is the second episode of the first season of The Villains of Valley View, and is the second episode of the entire series overall. It is scheduled to premiere on Disney Channel and DisneyNOW at 8:30 PM EDT on Friday, June 3, 2022. It stars Isabella Pappas, Lucy Davis, James Patrick Stuart, Malachi Barton, Reed Horstmann, and Kayden Muller-Janssen
Fearing Hartley will reveal their true identity, the villainous family decides to blackmail her to keep their secret safe.
The episode begins with the Madden Family in the living room, namely Eva and Amy, eating some food on the counter of the kitchen pass-through. Jake and Colby stand nearby as Vic comes down the stairs with a box packed with some of his personal belongings. Vic then tells the family he's ready for them to pack up and move to another suburb again. When they ask him why, he tells them it's because he doesn't trust Hartley to keep their secret since Amy told her when they were stuck in a different dimension.
Amy then says that Hartley agreed to be her friend on the condition that she keeps their secret safe, but Vic says he's still worried she may expose them. Jake and Amy argue that they don't want to leave because they're finally getting used to going to school like normal kids, and Amy is having fun using her superpowers to prank unsuspecting people in the school on occasion. Hartley then comes over and is extra bubbly and cheerful when she greets them because she feels like a fan girl around them. The Madden family then tells Hartley that they still are concerned about the fact that she knows their secret, but Hartley swears she will protect and keep their secret safe and that they can trust her. After she leaves, Vic still says he's concerned that she's too honest and may spill their secret if things turn bad for her. He then suggests they should use something to blackmail her to make sure she doesn't spill their secret and expose them, to which Amy says she should be the one to do it since they're friends.
Vic then tells Amy he doesn't want her to do it because she was the one who revealed their secret to her; Amy then says she wants to prove them wrong about her thinking she's the mess-up of the family and that she'll find a way to blackmail Hartley and show them that they can trust her to keep their secret safe. Eva then suggests the rest of the family should also try to find some dirt on Hartley as well just as a backup plan, should Amy fail to do so.
The next day at Valley View High School, Amy meets Hartley in the main indoor/outdoor hybrid corridor of their school, and tries to talk to Hartley about the money her and the Sunshine Club raised for a new water fountain for the school. When she tries to imply Hartley stole the money to keep for herself, Hartley realizes that she's trying to secretly record her on her phone. Amy then concedes and walks away, meeting up with Jake, and confesses to him that it's gonna be harder to blackmail her than she thought. She then comes up with another plan to plant something on Hartley and threaten to frame her in order to get her to keep their secret. Later on at Celia's house, Eva and Colby are upstairs about to break into Hartley's room. When they do so, they discover that Hartley's room is a mess. Celia also comes in downstairs and they scramble to hide themselves in Hartley's room. Eva hides in the closet; Colby shape-shifts into a sweater he saw Celia wearing in a picture near Hartley's bed. Celia comes in with a laundry hamper and picks up the sweater and puts it on. thinking Hartley must have borrowed it without asking. Eva then comes out of the closet and says if Celia is going to take her son, then she's gonna take the lamp out of Hartley's bedroom since she can't resist her supervillain urges.
Back at the school, Jake and Amy are surprised to see their dad at the school and ask him why he's there. He then tells them that he's a new substitute teacher at the school since he forged his credentials from another candidate. Hartley then meets Jake, Amy, and their dad Vic in the hallway and talks with them before the school bell rings. Amy and Vic then confront each other and decide to have a competition to see who can plan and carry out the best scheme to blackmail Hartley. Later on, Vic uses one of his devices to X-ray scan Hartley's locker, and see if he can use her fingerprints to frame Hartley for vandalizing the principal's car. Before he can do so, Amy uses her sonic blast powers to stop him and says she has a better idea. Amy then vandalizes one of the school posters of an elderly teacher named Mrs. Jenkins who's retiring, and decides to use her poster vandalism to blackmail and frame Hartley. When she tries to give the marker she used to Hartley, Vic uses a special device to control Amy's hand and arm movements via electronic telekinesis, and prevents Amy from giving the marker to her. Jake then comes to Vic and angrily complains to him about him giving him an F on his science report. Amy then tries to convince Jake to get even with their dad by helping her to blackmail Hartley.
Back at the Madden house, Celia comes over and talks to Eva in the kitchen as she tries to get Celia to take her "sweater" (Colby) off. Eva then serves Celia a hot dog and offers her ketchup and mustard with it, and then sprays the mustard on the sweater, pretending it was an accident. Eva then offers to clean it if Celia takes it off, and Celia tells her to have it clean by the time she goes out to eat dinner at her favorite steakhouse. Colby then shifts back into himself and they learn that when you splatter or attach something to him while he's in one form, it sticks with him when he transforms back into his regular self. A little while later, Celia comes back as Eva is washing the "sweater" (Colby) in the sink to stall for time until she can find a way to get her real sweater back.
Back at the school, Amy and Vic are arguing over who has the right to use Jake for their blackmailing scheme. They then decide to cut off the head of the eagle mascot statue of their school and hide it in Hartley's locker. Just then a police officer, Officer Collins, comes inside the school and announces that he knows it was one of the students who vandalized the statue, and that when he finds the culprit, they'll be arrested and charged as an adult. Jake, Amy, and Vic then argue about how their blackmailing scheme has gone too far and that they never intended for her to get into any legal trouble.
Later that day, Jake, Amy, and Vic plot how to get the statue head out of the lockers before Officer Collins sees it. Officer Collins then announces they're doing a locker check. Hartley then offers to let Officer Collins check her locker first until Jake interrupts and tries to make up excuses to stall him from checking her locker. When he opens the locker, much to their surprise, the eagle mascot statue head is not there. Hartley then reveals she knew they hid the eagle statue head in her locker the whole time and reprimands them for trying to come up with a blackmailing scheme against her in the first place. Feeling guilty, the Madden siblings and their dad apologize to Hartley. Hartley forgives them and tells them she's a good person and they can trust her as a friend, but she also gives them an ultimatum: either they let her be a good, close friend of the family, or she threatens to expose their secret. They agree and then remark about how she could be a good villain if she wanted to be.
Back at their home, Vic comes home with Hartley and the Madden siblings and tells Eva and Colby about Hartley being their new best friend. Hartley then notices that Eva and Colby have her grandmother's favorite sweater. Hartley agrees to take it back and give it back to her grandma, but she explains that she needs to get a large hole she put into the sweater fixed and asks Eva if she can fix it. Vic then comes in and records her talking about it and says he will use that against her as blackmail if she ever tells her grandmother their secret. She then grabs her phone and pretends to call the police, prompting Vic to delete the video and apologize. Jake and Amy then remark at how even though Hartley is a good person, she's surprisingly very good at blackmail and intimidation, prompting Amy to say she may like her as a friend more than she originally thought.
The episode ends with Eva agreeing to fix Celia's sweater and when Celia comes back to collect it, she pulls a loose thread on it, creating a large hole, in the same exact spot that Hartley made the original hole in. Eva then takes Celia inside the kitchen, and Amy and Hartley switch out the fake "sweater" (Colby in disguise) with the real one that Hartley put the hole in, to make Celia think she was the one who tore the large hole in it all along. Colby then shape-shifts back into his regular self with a hole in his torso, from the hole they ripped in him when he was in the form of Celia's sweater. They then laugh as they make fun of him and he swears revenge on them for it.
Main cast[]
- Isabella Pappas as Amy Madden/Havoc
- Lucy Davis as Eva Madden/Surge
- James Patrick Stuart as Vic Madden/Kraniac
- Malachi Barton as Colby Madden/Flashform
- Reed Horstmann as Jake Madden/Chaos
- Kayden Muller-Janssen as Hartley