"Two Faces of Anita" is the eighteenth episode of 101 Dalmatians: The Series. It aired on September 8, 1997.
When Anita wins the Designer of the Year award, Cruella is determined to steal it, so she devises a plan which involves disguising herself as Anita.
- The title seems to be an homage to The Two Faces of Dr. Jekyll.
- When Lucky suggests the Dalmatians sneak in Anita's case, the bowtie he is wearing turns into his collar, but when the Dalmatians get in the case, his bowtie is back.
- When discussing with Mr. Puffin, Cruella comments that "[She]'ll have to make him an offer he cannot refuse." This is a likely homage to the Marlon Brando film The Godfather, which also has a similar line.
- When Cadpig notes that Cruella is up to something, Lucky's collar is blue.
- This episode seems to suggest that this is the first time that the Dalmatians use Spot's beak as a lock pick.
- In an early draft of the script, instead of Cruella leaving the keys in the ignition of her car, Anita would have actually hotwired Cruella's car, stating that hotwiring a car is the first thing a girl learns to do in college.
- While Rolly says the awards ceremony is taking place at Topstown Plaza, it appears to be taking place at the Jumbo Hotel.
- The Jumbo Hotel is likely named after Jumbo Pictures, the animation group behind 101 Dalmatians: The Series.
- The doughnut store where the police notice Anita in Cruella's car is called "McDoughnut", a likely homage to the McDonald's chain.
- Ben Stein makes an appearance in this episode as the waiter who comments on Roger using his braces with Lucky and Cadpig.
- When Cruella notices her Anita face melting, she yells, "I'm melting, I'M MELTING!", similar to the Wicked Witch of the West in The Wizard of Oz.