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"Uganda Be an Elephant" is the first segment from the eighth episode of Timon and Pumbaa.


Timon and Pumbaa are looking at Ned the Elephant and talking about how popular he is. Timon suggests that Pumbaa should an elephant and be as popular as Ned, but Pumbaa says that he's happy being a warthog. The next day, Pumbaa wakes Timon up and tells him that he decided to become an elephant and be as popular as Ned.

Timon starts telling Pumbaa about the size of an elephant. The meerkat tells the warthog that he's too small to be an elephant, so he decides to feed him a lot of bugs so that the warthog can be big and fat like an elephant. After that, Timon teaches Pumbaa about the memories of an elephant. He makes Pumbaa practice not forgetting. Later, Timon makes Pumbaa put his head between to trees so that the meerkat can put a hook in Pumbaa's nostrils and push a big rock off the cliff, so that Pumbaa's nose becomes a trunk. Pumbaa seems to dislike his elephant form, but Timon tells him that everything will be alright.

Timon shows Ned and his hippo friends Pumbaa as an elephant, which he calls "Pumbaa-phant." Ned doesn't seem to like it and says that "it is the most ridiculous thing he's ever seen in his entire life." The elephant and the hippos then laugh at Pumbaa and fall of a cliff. Ned holds on to a branch with his trunk while one of the hippos bites Ned's tail, and the other hippo bites the other hippo's tail. Pumbaa rushes to save the three. After Pumbaa saves them, Ned suggests that Pumbaa becomes an ordinary elephant, but Pumbaa would rather be his own warthog self.

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