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Uriel is a planet from Madeleine L'Engel's novel A Wrinkle in Time. Two different incarnations of the planet appeared in two Disney-produced film adaptations of the book: the 2003 Dimension Film adaptation and in the 2018 Disney film adaptation.



Uriel is based on the planet of the same name from Madeleine L'Engle's young adult science fantasy novel A Wrinkle in Time, the first entry in the Time Quintet series written by L'Engle herself. In the original works, Uriel is a planet with extremely tall mountains. Creatures that inhabit the planet consist of winged ungulate-like creatures resembling centaurs and is identified as the third planet of the star Malak located in the spiral nebula Messier 101. This site is also the home of Mrs. Whatsit's temporary transformation into one of the aforementioned winged creatures.


A Wrinkle in Time (2003)[]

This version of Uriel is a bright, beautiful planet located at the planet Malak's third star. The planet consists of lush amounts of foliages such as blue flowers as well as large hills decorated with trees as well as tall formations surrounded by large bodies of water. Creatures said to inhabit this area are winged ungulate-like creatures resembling Mrs. Whatsit in her temporary form. Amongst the other landscapes encountered in this area is a cave home of the Happy Medium who helps the heroes find a way to get to Camazotz in order for Meg to rescue her father.

Upon arriving at Uriel, Mrs. Whatsit explains to Meg that it was the tesseract that brought her, Charles, and Calvin to the planet. As the trio picks up the blue flowers, Meg and the rest board on Mrs. Whatsit in her Pegasus-like creature form and look at the distant darkness that senses a great danger to the universe if not stopped. That night, Meg discusses with Calvin, explaining that the three Mrs. Ws haven't decided to know if they would hold Meg and the rest of her group as hostages. During a conversation with the three Mrs. Ws the next day, Meg and the rest of the children look at a vision of the Solar System where it is shown that her father is lost at the planet Camazotz and was vulnerable to the power of darkness, because he stumbled upon the tesseract without understanding it carefully as it is also known that many warriors triumphed over many battles at that time.

Meg then asks Mrs. Whatsit about Charles going alone to which she explains to her that this is the reason why they sent the three to the magical planet as Charles alone cannot defeat evil. She sends Calvin and Charles to a nearby cave to find the Happy Medium who would help the two on their journey, followed by Meg joining in. As Meg, Charles, and Calvin plan seek the Happy Medium on their journey, the three travel very far into the cave with assistance from Mrs. Whatsit. During their journey, the three encounter glowworms which helped the three give them light just as the three find the Happy Medium. After learning about Mrs. Murry sad for her husband's loss, it leads Meg, Charles, and Calvin to travel to the planet Camazotz to find Mr. Murry, her mother's husband, via tesseract.

After the It was destroyed, the darkness spreading all over the universe was wiped away thanks to Meg who saved her father. Thus, all the negativity crossing through Uriel was wiped away.

A Wrinkle in Time (2018)[]

This version of Uriel is a bright, beautiful planet located like in the original book. Unlike in the 2003 film and original book, the star where the planet was located, Malak, was not mentioned in this film. The planet consists of large lush green hills and very large mountains full of flowers and large bodies of water. Creatures that inhabit this planet consist of sentient flowers, which residents describe these flowers as the best gossipers in the entire universe.

Meg, Charles, and Calvin finds themselves in Uriel where they enjoys seeing the landscape of the planet and later approaches a patch of sentient flowers. Upon approaching the flowers, Mrs. Whatsit suggests to Meg to show them a picture of her father while Mrs. Which suggests to Charles Wallace to help Meg find her missing father. Meg shows the flowers her locket with an image of her father, asking the flowers to help her, which the flowers found out that Meg's father was here, but continued to explore before he disappeared just before Mrs. Whatsit transforms into a large humanoid creature with bright green leaves. However, after Calvin almost falls off and is saved by flowers, Mrs. Who tells Mrs. Whatsit to help Meg, Calvin, and Charles to focus on light when darkness is present, which it is found out that the pure evil energy from Camazotz known as the It is causing the negativity, which must be avoided at all costs. In a plan to help Meg find her father, Mrs. Which helps Mrs. Who and Mrs. Whatsit take Calvin, Charles, and Meg to the Happy Medium's lair, reminding Mrs. Whatsit of a seer who would assist them known as the Happy Medium.

After the It was destroyed, the darkness spreading all over the universe was wiped away thanks to Meg who saved her father. Thus, this results in the darkness seen at the sky at Uriel to be entirely wiped away.



  • Uriel's name is an illusion to Archangel Uriel.
  • In the closed captions of the 2004 DVD release of A Wrinkle in Time, Malak was misspelled as "Malik" in the closed captions.

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A Wrinkle in Time Logo
A Wrinkle in Time (2003)A Wrinkle in Time (2018) (soundtrack/video)
Meg MurryCharles Wallace MurryCalvin O'KeefeItMr. MurryMrs. MurryMrs. WhichMrs. WhoMrs. WhatsitHappy MediumPrincipal JenkinsVeronica KileyFlowersAunt Beast
Flower of the UniverseWarriorI Believe