Hey guys. Before I begin my review there's a statement I would like to make. If you have read some of my past blogs, you'll know that I have written reviews for Pixar and the Revival films, but from now on I am given individual blogs for new films I see. Finding and adding is getting a bit harder each time. Plus, I never know if or when comments are put on it anymore. Okey dokey, let's begin.
Incredibles 2[]

I'm not sure if this is that incredible.
Okey dokey, you know I love the original Incredibles mainly because of the whole family superhero idea, and most of the characters. I have been anticipating this film for quite a while and....well, when I saw it, most if was really good but other stuff...needed some more work to it. So what is it about this sequel that does or doesn't work? Well, my big complaint is that the story is too centered on the political stuff, and it's not very engaging on the same level as oh say, Zootopia. I thought the supers would have been legalized by the Underminer fight, but...I guess not. The supers are trying to protect people and the authorities still let their political anger about the damage get to them. It also connects to another issue, the villain. I definitely won't give anything away if you haven't seen the movie yet, but the motivation is unbelievably weak and it's not very fair. I would have preferred a villain with a darker plot maybe somewhat like Lord Shen or Kai from the Kung Fu Panda sequels. I'd definitely say I preferred Syndrome a lot better. I was hoping the story was about looking for the remaining supers that survived Syndrome's traps from the previous film. Also, it's another deuterogonist-protagonist switch with Elastigirl as the main character this time. She's full of action of course, but I don't think her time on screen or conflicts have the same charm as Finding Dory. I was kinda hoping for maybe a conflict involving Elastigirl remembering what it was like to be a Super before her life as a mother, or getting caught up with something personal from her past-but in this one she just-I dunno. She's in political stuff, not that engaging. Now let's talk about the other family members. It is funny to see Mr. Incredible struggle as a stay-home Dad, we see conflicts with Violet, Dash gets laughs, and of course we see Jack-Jack show his powers; old from the last film and some new unknown ones. The scene with him and the raccoon is really funny. Some of the things I wanted more of involved Violet, like her emotional scenes about the loss of Tony. She cried when Tony didn't show up for the date, threw a tantrum about the superhero issue, and then there's when Mr. Incredible talked about how he truly wanted to be a good Dad. I wanted to see more of that. In addition, I loved seeing Violet and Dash take matters into their own hands towards the climax. Infact, I think the movie should have been more about those two. Even the climax is kinda downplayed compared to the original's climax (except like I said when Violet, Dash, and JJ were sneaking around). This film's climax wasn't bad, just not as good as the original's. Somewhere there's a fantastic Incredibles movie, I just know there is! If we take the action, villain, climax, and adventure of the original Incredibles film and take the emotional family conflicts of the second film, we could get something awesome! But as for this film, a lot of it was good, but it just needs a little more work. For now at least, I'd prefer to go back to the original Incredibles and a few other superhero groups. Maybe I will change my mind later and get over its problems and like this movie better later, but right now isn’t the time.