Hey guys. It is I, Ratigan6688 again. I have been thinking a bit about our upcoming 4th story of toys coming this summer. I am curious about it like any upcoming movie. However, I will admit there are some things about it’s story that I feel a bit worried about based on some of the clips and trailers I have seen. What are they? Let’s find out.
1. There was an article I came across that said Tim Allen could not get through recording the last scene because it was an apparent “moment in history.” I am not sure if it’s a good moment or a bad moment. One of my guesses is that one of the characters may have been, er....killed off. I doubt Toy Story fans would approve of that. Maybe it is a parting goodbye. What I am hoping is that it doesn’t involve Woody leaving the group for good. Why do I say that? The premise said that Bo Peep gives Woody “a new outlook as to what being a toy is all about” (I’ll get to that in Number 2). I already had difficulty getting through the ending of Ralph Breaks The Internet, I don’t need another like that too soon!
2. The “new outlook” I am a bit worried about is that it could mean a toy should be free to live his/her own life as he pleases. In a way, I feel like it may subtly rehash the 2nd Toy Story (my least favorite of the series for personal issues of my own). You know how Woody actually questioned his future with Andy after his arm got ripped and almost decided to abandon him. I am hoping that will not be the case in this film.
3. Speaking of subtle rehashing, my next concern is about those antique doll clips I saw in the trailer. Based on how they attacked Woody and Forky, the first thing that popped into my head was the Sunnyside situation in the previous film. They might think that humans out there are dangerous and they might want to “protect“ toys from those situations like Lotso did (or rather, DIDN’T do). But that’s just a guess.
Anyway, that’s all I can think of for now. And these of course are just my worrying guesses. I am making sure that I don’t prejudge this film before I actually see it so I can be fair to what it will be.