Vacation Van Honk is a recurring character in DuckTales. He is an anthropomorphic goose who lives in Duckburg.
Vacation Van Honk, in concept, is a "recurring extra"; though he has little characterization, this permanent tourist and globe-trotter is persistently encountered by the Ducks wherever they go. Although Van Honk has made few appearances, he attended Scrooge's surprise birthday party, implying that he is a close friend of the family.
Appearances in the series[]
He appeared in the episode "Sir Gyro de Gearloose", where he is one of the Duckburg residents complaining about Gyro's inventions malfunctioning.
In "Sweet Duck of Youth", Vacation was seen among Scrooge's family and friends at Scrooge's surprise birthday party.
He also appeared in "Magica's Shadow War" and "Duckworth's Revolt".
Other appearances[]
Though largely forgotten since the end of DuckTales's original run, Van Honk has made a few cameos in comics in his role of recurring bystander, such as in the 2004 story The Beagle Boys and the Last Pirate.