Vision Tiger is a supporting character in the 2024 Disney Channel animated series Primos. He is an imaginary tiger that exists within Tater's mind and acts as her imaginary friend, guardian, and conscience.
Vision Tiger is Tater's imaginary friend whom she has had since she was a toddler, based on her favorite book Tiger's Birthday. He represents Tater's hopes and dreams and always lends a supportive hand. He is determined to keep Tater on track to achieving her "final form". Whenever she strays, Vision Tiger will lightly mock her and try to urge her to stay on task. Despite being imaginary, he is shown to be very wise, more so than Tater herself.
Physical appearance[]
Vision Tiger has a holographic appearance and resembles a typical Tiger. He has a large girth and has a scribbled appearance as he came from a children's book. One recurring aspect is that while he has a full body, he will mostly appear to Tater in the form of a floating head.
- Vision Tiger's voice sounds very similar to actor Morgan Freeman.
- He shares the same voice actor as Bud Humphrey, Jim Conroy.