Pardon our dust!
Walk the Prank is an American comedy television series created by Adam Small and Trevor Moore that premiered on Disney XD on April 1, 2016. The series stars Cody Veith, Bryce Gheisar, Brandon Severs, Jillian Shea Spaeder, Chloe Guidry and Tobie Windham.
The series is about practical jokers Herman, Chance, Bailey, J.D. and Dusty, who set up elaborate pranks and find real people to perform the pranks on. Their pranks usually involve supernatural, scary, funny, or gross elements. For example, a typical prank may involve a scary story coming to life or children with supernatural powers using their powers to harm people, scare or threaten the target, etc. The pranks are mastered by special effects teams, and many of the ‘other targets‘ (the fictional characters used in the prank to create a story) are stuntmen/actors. Some pranks involve psychic powers to foretell the future, and in that case the target’s friend knows that they are being pranked and helps set the target up for it. For example, a prank was once used where Bailey was a robot who could read people’s minds, all the information about the person was given by their friend who set them up.
- Cody Veith as Chance
- Brandon Severs as Dusty
- Bryce Gheisar as Herman
- Jillian Shea Spaeder as Bailey
- Tobie Windham as Will
- Chloe Guidry as J.D.