"We're on Our Merry Way" is the theme song of the animated web series It's a Small World: The Animated Series. It serves as the opening song and is written by Richard M. Sherman, brother of the late Robert B. Sherman in which in turn wrote the original "It's a Small World" song.
Hooray, hooray!
We're on our merry way
On a magic highway flying through the sky
And oh, it's grand
To know we're bound to land
In some exotic place where we'll come face-to-face
With sights and sounds
And wonders galore
People and places we've never been before
So, hooray, hooray!
We're on our merry way
And when our great balloon descends
In new, enchanting lands
We'll soon be shaking hands
And making many brand new friends!
- Richard M. Sherman, who wrote the song, also performed the song in the 2013 D23 Expo, which showcased animatics for the opening theme. This montage of animatics played during Sherman's performance was originally an earlier version of the opening theme using the same lyrics from the final version of the series.