"Web-Spinners" is a song from the Disney Jr. animated series Spidey and his Amazing Friends. It is sung by Spidey, Ghost-Spider, and Spin, who sing about their new Web-spinner looks and abilities.
Spidey: Who's gotta a new look
All: We gotta a new look
Spidey: Who's gotta a new look
All: We gotta a new look
Spin: Swinging around
Ghost-Spider: Or swinging a beat
Spidey: We stick together like webs
And we never retreat
We gotta a new look
Yeah, we gotta a new look
Ghost-Spider: There go the baddies
Spin: They look awfully shook
Spidey: Cause team Spidey keep swinging on and on together
Ghost-Spider: We have each other's backs
Spin: We're a team forever
All: Spinnin' around, yeah
Spinnin' around, yeah
When we fall down
We're back up like winners
Spidey: We got the webs
Ghost-Spider: Spinner
Spin: Spinner
Spidey: Who's gotta a new look
All: We gotta a new look
Spidey: Who's gotta a new look
All: We gotta a new look
Ghost-Spider: We use imagintion to make wonderful things
Spin: We put a fresh new spin on a new way swing
Spidey: We may have a new look
But we got the same heart
Ghost-Spider: I'm a detective
Spidey: I'm a scientist
Spin: I make works of art
Ghost-Spider: Yeah, if we ever stumble or we tumble or trip
Spidey: We can help each other up with a
All: Swip, swip, swip
Spinnin' around, yeah
Spinnin' around, yeah
When we fall down
We're back up like winners
We got the webs
Spidey: Spinner
Ghost-Spider: Spinner
Spin: Spinner
Spidey: Yeah!