Welko, also known as Experiment 074, is an illegal genetic experiment created by Jumba Jookiba and a character in the Lilo & Stitch franchise. She is designed to blow temporary indestructible bubbles. She appears in the Stitch! anime.
Experiment 074 was the 74th genetic experiment created by Jumba with Hämsterviel's funding. She was designed to produce temporary indestructible bubbles. 074 and the other first 624 experiments were deactivated and smuggled to Earth by Jumba during his mission to capture Experiment 626.
All of the experiment pods were released and scattered across the island of Kauai.
Physical appearance
Welko is a pink, balloon-shaped doglike experiment with dark blue eyes, orbs on either side of her head, big red lips, and a red heart-like tail. Her hind legs appear to be vestigial nubs, and she seems to be constantly levitating. It is unknown if she is capable of terrestrial locomotion.
Powers and abilities
Welko can blow indestructible bubbles from her mouth that last only temporarily. Her bubbles are able to somewhat stick together, and thus can be formed into a cloud. Her body contains a form of helium or another light air, and this causes her to float.
Through some means, she can inflate indestructible balloons that last around 30 minutes. Such means are probably accomplished through her tail or the pink orbs on her head, which is in the same shape as some of her balloons.
Welko first appeared when Gantu gained possession of her through unknown means and used her in Hämsterviel's sinister plot to get rid of Stitch.
Stitch gets kidnapped and tied to one of Welko's balloons during the foretasted typhoon, where he would drown when the balloon popped and have no chance of survival, as he would be restrained from movement. The bubble cloud suddenly pops beneath Hämsterviel, and he plummets to the ground. Later, Gantu sets a trap for Stitch with Welko accompanying him, but Yuna falls into it instead when she is looking for Stitch.
The plan changes and it is decided that Yuna would be bait for Stitch, so they suspend her in a hot air balloon made of dozens of Welko's balloons. Nobody notices Yuna until five minutes before the balloons pop. When the clock reaches zero, her makeshift gondola hits the water, and Stitch dives in to save her, almost making it before sinking. Tigerlily then saves them both.
The fate of Welko after this is unknown.
- Her unique design is a reference to animal-shaped balloon art.
- Welko is one of the rare experiments to not have black eyes like most experiments, having dark blue eyes instead. Interestingly, she shares this trait with Bonnie, Tickle-Tummy, and Witch, three other female experiments.
- Welko, Zap, Remmy, Cloudy, and Shrink are the only known experiments that are always seen levitating.
- Phantasmo and Witch primarily levitate but often possess objects or living beings to move by other means. Tickle-Tummy is also able to levitate, but has been seen bouncing as well.