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Werewolf by Night (real name Jack Russell) is a Marvel Comics character. He made his Marvel Cinematic Universe debut as the eponymous main protagonist of Werewolf by Night, played by Gael García Bernal.

Werewolf by Night was created by Roy Thomas, Jean Thomas, Gerry Conway, and Mike Ploog.



Powers and abilities[]

In his werewolf form, he has speed, superhuman strength, Razor-sharp claws and teeth, healing, reflexes and sense of smell.


Marvel Cinematic Universe[]

Werewolf by Night[]

In the movie, Jack Russell poses as a monster hunter at the Bloodstone Manor after the death of Ulysses Bloodstone to rescue Man-Thing who was being held to be executed. Jack went into the maze and found Ted.

Marvel Animation[]

Ultimate Spider-Man[]

Werewolf by Night first appeared in the episodes "Blade" and "The Howling Commandos", where he's a member of the Howling Commandos.


  • In the comics, Jack Russell gained the curse of the werewolf on his 18th birthday.


External Links[]

Ultimate Spider-Man Wiki-wordmark This page uses Creative Commons Licensed content from the Ultimate Spider-Man Wiki. The list of authors can be seen in the page revision history (view authors). As with Disney Wiki, the text of Ultimate Spider-Man Wiki is available under the CC-by-SA Free Documentation License.

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Werewolf by Night logo
Werewolf by Night (soundtrack) • Director by Night
Werewolf by NightElsa BloodstoneUlysses BloodstoneMan-Thing

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Ultimate Spider-Man (TV series) logo
Ultimate Spider-Man
Heroes: Spider-ManPower ManIron FistSquirrel GirlWhite TigerNick FurySam AlexanderHawkeyeAmadeus ChoHulkSpider-Man (Miles Morales)Spider-GirlSpider-GwenBlack WidowIron ManCaptain AmericaCloak and DaggerMoon KnightWolverineDoctor StrangeStar-LordBladeSpider-HamGrootGamoraThor OdinsonDeadpoolThingEchoMadame WebScarlet SpiderSpider-Man 2099Spider-SlayersSkaarSpider-Man NoirShe-HulkSam WilsonSpyder-Knight

Villains: Green GoblinMan-WolfSteel SpiderSymbioteCrossbonesBeetleDoctor OctopusVultureScorpionShockerRhinoLizardSandmanHammerheadKravenBlizzardAbsorbing ManArnim ZolaVenomMysterioElectroMolten ManWhirlwindUlysses KlaueLoki LaufeysonMorgan le FayWolf SpiderSabretoothAbomination
Other characters: Flash ThompsonAunt MayBen ParkerJ. Jonah JamesonPhil CoulsonMary Jane WatsonHarry OsbornGeorge StacyRio MoralesH.E.R.B.I.E.
Guest characters: Jessie PrescottEmma RossLuke RossRavi RossZuri RossMrs. Kipling

Season One: "Great Power" • "Great Responsibility" • "Doomed"

Season Three: "The Next Iron Spider" • "Halloween Night at the Museum"
Season Four: "Hydra Attacks" • "Iron Vulture" • "Lizards" • "Double Agent Venom" • "Beached" • "Return to the Spider-Verse" • "Spider Slayers" • "The Moon Knight Before Christmas" • "Graduation Day"

AvengersStark IndustriesHYDRAS.H.I.E.L.D.Howling CommandosInhumansFantastic FourWeb-WarriorsX-Men
See Also
Web-ShootersIron Man's armorPumpkin BombsCaptain America's ShieldVibraniumMilanoMutants

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Hulk-and-the-agents-smash logo
Hulk and the Agents of S.M.A.S.H.
HulkSkaarShe-HulkA-BombRed HulkSpider-ManCollectorDevil DinosaurWolverineMr. FantasticInvisible WomanHuman TorchThingSilver SurferAnnihilusAbominationIron ManEgo the Living PlanetJ. Jonah JamesonTerraxMalekithRonan the AccuserAbsorbing ManCaptain AmericaGalactusRed SkullTitaniaGorgonMaximus the MadWerewolf by Night
S.H.I.E.L.D.HYDRAFantastic FourGuardians of the Galaxy
New York CityNew MexicoSakaarAsgard
See Also
Pym ParticlesEye of AgamottoWeb-ShootersMjölnirMilano