"When Love Is Found" is performed by Scrooge, Tiny Tim, the Ghost of Christmas Present and the cast of the film, The Muppet Christmas Carol. The song is a happier reprise of "When Love Is Gone."
Scrooge: Well, I've met someone who touched my soul
And made my world brand new
Scrooge and Tiny Tim: There's part of me, a place inside
That now belongs to you
The love we found
The love we found
We carry with us
So we're never quite alone
Ensemble: The love we found
The love we found
The sweetest dream that we have ever known
The love we found
The love we found
We carry with us
So we're never quite alone
- Near the end of the song, there is a brief visual of puppet lobsters being hung from windows at the top of a building, a reference to the Dickens phrase "like bad lobster in a dark cellar".