"When You Fish Upon a Star" is the fifty-fifth episode of Chip 'n Dale Rescue Rangers. It premiered on March 21, 1990, and is the forty-second episode of the second season.
When the Rangers go to investigate a sunken ship, they learn that Fat Cat is responsible, as he hired fireflies to confuse the captain.
- Corey Burton as Dale, Zipper, Mole
- Peter Cullen as Mepps, Sonny's Dad
- Jim Cummings as Monterey Jack, Fat Cat, Sailor
- Tress MacNeille as Chip, Gadget Hackwrench, Sonny
- The title is a parody of the song "When You Wish Upon A Star".
- The RMS Lusitania was actually sunk on May 7, 1915, off the southern coast of Ireland. It was an unarmed passenger liner attacked by a German submarine. The sinking of the ship, and the deaths of nearly 1,200 passengers and crew, including 128 American citizens, caused major international outrage, and nearly led to the United States entering World War I on the Allied side, which it eventually would do two years later.
- This is Ellie Steckler's favourite episode of Chip n' Dale: Rescue Rangers.