The show takes guest on an extraordinary journey that unveils the captivating stories and adventures of Asha, Mirabel Madrigal, Elsa, Rapunzel, Flynn Rider, Fa Mulan, Merida and Moana. Meet Celestial and Astral, two new wishing stars, as they seek to fulfill their destiny in a world where wishes really do come true. And through enchanting music, mesmerizing choreography, and heartwarming storytelling, guests will embark on a magical journey that inspires them to embrace their unique ambitions and ignites a sense of adventure and wonder in the hearts of all who witness this celestial spectacle.
This show marked the debut of Flynn Rider at Hong Kong Disneyland.
Elsa and Asha were the only characters who sang their own songs by themselves.
The Mulan scene was recycled from the park's former stage show The Golden Mickeys.
The Tangled scene re-used two long tables from the park's Halloween stage show Let's Get Wicked, later some of the items and hats have been re-used in the Summer stage show Adventure is Out There!.