Where the Toys Come From is a Disney movie directed by Theodore Thomas aired as part of Walt Disney Studio Showcase on December 3, 1983, and then released on video in November 1984.
It follows the journey of two toys, named Zoom and Peepers, as they try to find out where they were made. Their owner, named Robin, assists them in their journey. Their search begins in a toy museum, where they find out they were made in Japan. Robin takes them to the toy store they were purchased from and they begin their trip to Japan. In Japan, Zoom and Peepers find their maker, named Kenji and their questions are answered. Finally they magically return home, where they tell Robin about how they returned, and ask the new toys to be Robin's.
- Jon Harvey as Peepers
- Larry Wright as Zoom
- Erin Young as Robin
- Sab Shimono as Kenji