The Wolfy Kids, also known as, Howler, Rip, and Kevin are a trio of werewolf siblings from PJ Masks. They are werewolf children who cause trouble in the city, stealing any vehicles, marking their territory, and also creating dens for themselves.
Howler, Rip, and Kevin, affectionately known as the Wolfy Kids are werewolf half humans who were causing trouble with the aim of taking over the city, the vehicles, and anything else they fancy! They are silly threatening buffoons with comical banter but influenced by the moon they have the traits of wolves, marking their territory, creating dens, combined attacks, and transformation!
Both Howler and Rip are mostly hostile and antagonistic towards the PJ Masks. But, Kevin sometimes acts friendly and nice towards the PJ Masks, because he doesn't really want to be mean like his brother and sister as shown in "The Good Wolfy". Howler and Rip dislike his forgetfulness on what they always planned. Both Howler and Rip also argue with each other sometimes.
Physical appearance[]
Howler's daytime appearance is unknown, but in nighttime, he appears in werewolf form along with Rip and Kevin. He has dark gray spiky hair with two white streaks in the front, sideburns, violet eyes, and claws on his fingers and toes. He also wears a black jacket over a red shirt and blue jeans.
Rip's daytime appearance is unknown. In nighttime, she also appears in werewolf form. Her hair is colored dark magenta with lighter tips. She has magenta eyes and claws on her fingers and toes. She also wears a black jacket over a yellow shirt, gray plaid skirt, and red-and-black striped stockings.
Kevin's daytime appearance is unknown. In nighttime, like Howler and Rip, he also appears in werewolf form. He has cyan eyes but aren't seen because of being covered by his dark purple shaggy hair. He has claws on his fingers and toes, and wears a black-and-teal jacket over a black-and-white striped shirt and dark gray jeans.
- Before the second season of PJ Masks was released, they were added as new villains.
- The Wolfy Kids are the fourth villains to appear in the show.
- Rip is the only one who never drove one of the PJ vehicles.
- Like Catboy and Gekko, they run on their legs and hands like animals.
- Even though Howler and Rip are villains, they'd mostly do the right things.